第12回年次大会 (J-SLA2012)

第12回 日本第二言語習得学会年次大会 (J-SLA2012)

- The 12th annual conference of the Japan Second Language Association -


2012 年6 月2 日(土)、3 日(日)

会場:法政大学 市ヶ谷キャンパス


William O’Grady(ハワイ大学)

Processing and Acquisition: Exploring New Possibilities



発表の際の使用言語: [日] 日本語 [英] 英語

9:00 受付 (法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス ボワソナードタワー(BT)26階)

9:20-11:30 学生ワークショップ (BT801, BT802, BT803教室)

BT801教室 (コメンテーター 狩野暁洋)

9:20-10:00 Sawada, Saori (Gunma Prefectural Women’s University) [英]

Why do some learners achieve a high level in English without significant experience in English-speaking countries-

10:05-10:45 Uemura, Takashi (University of Birmingham) [英]

How can teachers motivate Japanese learners of English with a Confucian Heritage Culture-

10:50-11:30 Yamada, Toshiyuki (The University of Tokyo) [英]

Transferability of L1 parsing preferences to L2 parsing

BT802教室 (コメンテーター 白畑知彦)

9:20-10:00 鈴木一徳 (文教大学) [日]


10:05-10:45 飯塚慶彦 (群馬県立女子大学) [日]



10:50-11:30 石黒賢亮 (中央大学) [日]


BT803教室 (コメンテーター 須田孝司))

9:20-10:00 福田純也 (名古屋大学) [日]



10:05-10:45 木村浩隆 (中央大学) [日]


12:20-12:25 開会式(スカイホール)

12:30-14:00 口頭発表 Ⅰ (スカイホール) 司会:吉永 直子(弘前学院大学)

12:30-13:10 Yoshimura, Noriko (University of Shizuoka) & Nakayama, Mineharu (The Ohio State University) [英]

Acquisition of wh-movement by Japanese learners of English: Feature valuation, selectional restriction, and scope interpretation

13:20-14:00 Oshita, Hiroyuki (Ohio University) [英]

U-shaped development in Japanese speakers’ acquisition of English intransitive verbs

14:05-15:35 ポスター発表 (A会議室)

P1-1 須田孝司 (富山県立大学) [日]


P1-2 福田純也 (名古屋大学)・稲垣俊史 (名古屋大学) [日]



P1-3 Hasebe, Megumi (Yokohama National University), Maki, Hideki (Gifu University)

& Umezawa, Toshiro (Gifu City Women’s College) [英]

An asymmetry in acquisition of the passive construction by Japanese ESL learners

P1-4 Ohyama, Kenichi (Daito Bunka University) [英]

“Juncture” relations between pitch and aspiration: Phonetic acquisition considerations for Japanese learners of English

P1-5 Ou, Shu-chen (National Sun Yat-sen University) & Hung, Wan-jen (National Sun Yat-sen University) [英]

Onset effects on the perception of L2 English vowels: A pilot study

P1-6 Yamaguchi, Yumiko (Tokyo Denki University) [英]

Development of English subordinate clauses in L2 acquisition

P1-7 Kasai, Chise (Gifu University), Takahashi, Jun A. (Osaka University), Goto, Shizuka (Gifu University), Hattori, Natsumi (Gifu University), Iwai, Arisa (Gifu University) & Minoura, Misaki (Gifu University) [英]

Bilingual cognition: Cognitive shift and English proficiency, results from item categorisation task in high school

P1-8 板垣静香 (関西学院大学)・吉泉和憲 (神戸女子短期大学) [日]


P1-9 Weng, Pei-shi (Tamkang University) [英]

Code-switching as a strategy use in an EFL classroom in Taiwan

15:40-18:00 口頭発表 Ⅱ (スカイホール) 司会:浦野研 (北海学園大学)

15:40-16:20 Monou, Tomoko (Keio University) [英]

L2 acquisition of null subject constructions

16:30-17:10 Mitsugi, Sanako (The University of Kansas) [英]

Lexical semantic integration in second language sentence processing of relative clauses

17:20-18:00 Yamada, Toshiyuki (The University of Tokyo) & Hirose, Yuki (The University of Tokyo) [英]

Asymmetry in Japanese EFL Learners’ on-line sensitivity to English number agreement

18:30-20:30 懇親会 (法政大学 BT26階 ラウンジ)

● 参加申し込みは当日会場にて受付けます。

● 会費は一般 4,500円,非常勤講師・大学院生・大学生 2,000円です。


発表の際の使用言語: [日] 日本語 [英] 英語

9:00 受付 (法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス ボワソナードタワー(BT)26階)

9:20-10:50 口頭発表Ⅲ (スカイホール) 司会:山根麻紀 (神奈川大学)

9:20-10:00 Ogawa, Mutsumi (University of Essex) [英]

The L2 mental lexicon: Evidence for reorganization of the mass-count distinction in L2 English by Japanese speakers

10:10-10:50 Akimoto, Takayuki (Chuo University), Hokari, Tomohiro (University of Essex & Chuo University) & Kumagami, Mai (City University of New York) [英]

Chinese speakers’ knowledge on Japanese Verb-Verb Compounds: A preliminary study

10:55-11:55 総会 (スカイホール)

12:45-14:15 ポスター発表 (A会議室)

P2-1 八木岳彦 (京都産業大学)・鈴木孝明 (京都産業大学) [日]


P2-2 Lai, Yi-hsiu (National University of Kaohsiung) [英]

Acoustic analysis of Japanese stops produced by Taiwanese learners Canceled

P2-3 Arakaki, Niina (Hiroshima University) & Shibata, Miki (Hiroshima University) [英]

The instructional effect on the English grammar counterfactual if: A case of Japanese EFL learners

P2-4 Yeung, Yuk (The University of Hong Kong) & Chan, Chi Ming (The University of Hong Kong) [英]

Behind the scene: A showcase of the workflow on an adjunct model of Chinese enhancement course

P2-5 Noguchi, Mari (Kwansei Gakuin University (former)),Nakano, Yoko (Kwansei Gakuin University) & Wang, Marian (Kobe University) [英]

Contextual influence on ambiguity resolution by Japanese learners of English at different proficiency levels: Two questionnaire studies

P2-6 川原奈佑美 (京都産業大学)・川越いつえ (京都産業大学) [日]


P2-7 大場浩正 (上越教育大学) [日]


P2-8 Suzuki, Yuichi (University of Maryland College Park) [英]

Implicit learning of Japanese verbal inflection: The pilot

P2-9 Witoon, Surasak (Thammasat University) & Singhapreecha, Pornsiri (Thammasat University) [英]

Psych verbs, causatives, and Thai learners

14:20-15:40 招待講演(スカイホール) 司会:鈴木孝明(京都産業大学)

O’Grady, William (University of Hawaii at Manoa) [英]

Processing and Acquisition: Exploring New Possibilities

15:50-17:20 口頭発表Ⅳ (スカイホール) 司会:小柳かおる (上智大学)

15:50-16:30 Taylor, Becky (University of York) [英]

Evidence against purely phrasal pitch in English speakers’ L2 Japanese

16:40-17:20 Matthews, John (Chuo University) & Kawasaki, Takako (Hosei University) [英]

Mapping acoustic cues in L2 speech perception and the acquisition of new segmental categories

17:25-17:30 閉会式 (スカイホール)


J-SLA事務局 柴田 美紀 shibatamアットマークhiroshima-u.ac.jp(アットマークを@に変えてご送信下さい。)

電話: 082-424-6430